Saturday, August 4, 2012

Remove directory from CVS

CVS doesn't really keep directories under version control. If you want to remove a directory from a project, you first remove all the files in it, then use update -P to remove the directory from the working directory.

CVS checkout and update will always check out empty directories; that's just the way CVS is built. Do an update with "-P" -- "prune" -- to remove empty directories:

cvs update -dP

(Adding "-d" will update new directories that have appeared since your last update; otherwise, CVS will ignore them.)

Cvs tends to work on a two phase approach regarding directories that's why there is a -P option for many cvs commands to "Prune empty directories".

When this has happened, e.g. want to rename a directory I've just added, I delete the directory, delete the entry for the directory in the CVS/Entries file, it'll be a line perpended with a "D".

If I've committed, I make sure my current working area that contains the empty directory/ies is all checked in. Then I blow away the part of the work area that I have added the directories to.


I make sure everything is up to date in both directories containing the stuff I want to keep. I then blow away Project_to_remove from within mySandbox.
Going back and checking out the same work area, e.g. Project_to_remove will give me the work area without the empty dirs.
Or just leave everything as is and use the -P option to get CVS check everything out (or update everything) then prune out the empty dirs.

Renaming Directories

checkout the project, make the changes on the local working copy, delete the CVS project in the repository and import the changed project again.

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